Welcome to the Inglewood State School P&C Trail Ride


The Inglewood State School P&C Trail Ride is back again in 2024!

Join us on Saturday the 4th of May and Sunday the 5th of May 2024. Stay tuned for more Information.


If you love trail riding this event is not to be missed!

The Trail Ride is based on the South Eastern side of Coolmunda Dam at Camp Greenup, situated approximated 10km along the Omanama/Texas Road after the turn off from the Cunningham Hwy. 

The Beginners track is situated close to the camp and is kept relatively small while the Novice Track is approximately 14 km in distance with relatively easy riding conditions, the track includes a mixture of mud, farmland and forest terrain.

The Open Track varies in length (usually between 30 and 50km) and has a separate Saturday and Sunday Loop that covers an extensive area of creek crossings, open paddocks and forest hillside terrain throughout the Trap Rock country. There are some excellent hill climbs and hard technical sections of track to challenge even for the best riders. Some sections of the track are quite rocky, providing a great challenge for man and machine. The views from hilltops are spectacular and worth taking a break to soak up the scenery.

The Bike Ride is the main fundraiser for the Inglewood State School P & C and all profits go to benefiting the school and the kids.

We hope to see you there.
Inglewood State School P&C