Camp Greenup Rules


A MQ Event

The following regulations are put in place by the organisers of the Inglewood Trail Ride to ensure the security, safety, harmony and peaceful enjoyment of this event by all who attend. 

The organisers reserve the right to cancel the participation and attendance of any guest without explanation or compensation.  Participants, spectators, supporters and volunteers are invited guests and their appropriate behaviour is welcome on the private properties provided for this event.  Any participant, spectator or supporter who is asked to leave the event for any reason and fails to do so immediately, is then trespassing on private property.

  1. Engine noise curfew 6.00pm – 7.00am
  2. General noise curfew 10.30pm – 6.00am.  10.30pm is considered lights out with no music or party activity after this time.  Noise levels will be kept such that any neighbouring camp is undisturbed by noise. (Security will enforce this).
  3. Pets are permitted with guidelines. To remain at camp at all times. Must be on a leash to walk. Must be cleaned up after.

  4. No fireworks – This is common sense with large amounts of fuel on site.  Offenders will spend the night in jail.
  5. Camp fires by permission – Camp fires may be allowed, depending upon the weather and fire danger conditions at the time of the ride.  There will be a notice at the entry to the camp, it will also be announced at the riders briefing.
  6. Speed Limits – Traversing through the camping/administrative area  – The maximum speed of any vehicle within the admin/camp area is 10klms or dead slow.  Traversing the area is for point A to B travel only to minimise dust and the potential for harm.
  7. Riders Briefing – All riders are required to attend the riders briefing each day, this is an insurance requirement and contains very important information to ensure a fun and safe ride.
  8. Glass bottles and containers – For obvious safety reasons, attendees may not bring glass bottles or containers to the event.
  9. Beginners Track – The beginners track is for children who have just commenced riding motorcycles.  All children using the track are to be supervised at all times.  All children who use the beginners track must for everyone’s safety, obey the directions of Officials at all times.  The committee reserves the right to exclude any child from participation on the beginners track at any time without explanation or compensation.  Experienced/Novice/Open riders will not be permitted on the pee wee track.
  10. Novice Track – The Novice track is for children and adults who have just taken up motorcycling and are not experienced enough to ride the Open track.  If you are unsure of whether you are experienced enough for the Open you should attempt the Novice first.  Should you require an upgrade from Novice to Open bring your bike to the registration office and pay the difference.  All attendees on the Novice track are to obey instruction from the officials at all times and the organising committee reserves the right to exclude any rider from participation on the novice track at any time without explanation or compensation.
  11. Open Track – The open track is for the experienced riders only.  You will experience vast types of country from easy to extremely challenging/hard patches throughout the track.  All attendees on the open track are to obey all instructions from the officials at all times.  The committee reserves the right to exclude any rider/s at any time from participation on the open track without explanation or compensation.
  12. Approved fuel containers – It is now a regulation that any fuel loaded on to vehicles is to be in an approved fuel container.  Absolutely no fuel container will be transported by recovery vehicles that is not in an approved container.
  13. Protective Clothing – In the interests of safety, the protective clothing minimum will be, helmet (as approved under the AS 1698), boots, long sleeve shirt and long pants.  Goggles may be worn but tear offs are not allowed.
  14. Motorcycles in good repair – Although it is unnecessary to ride a registered bike, it is expected that all motorcycles will be in clean, sound condition, structurally and mechanically.  Due to the terrain, sprockets and chains as well as knobby must be in good condition.
  15. One ride per bike – No pillion riders allowed.  If a motorcycle breaks down, the rider must stay with their bike until found by an official for safety reasons.  Change of conditions – The organising committee reserve the right to add or alter any camp rules without prior consent or notification.
  16. Following Officials Directions – All guests at Inglewood Trail Ride must obey all instruction given by officials at all times.  The organisers reserve the right to exclude any attendee from participation at any time without explanation or compensation.
  17. Alcohol Limit – Riders have to register a Blood Alcohol Concentration of 0.0 to ride. Police may randomly breath test participants prior to entering the track.
  18. Cameras – NO Go Pro’s or Action cameras are to be mounted onto your helmet or body as this is a safety issue.  Approved Bike mounts may be allowed.